Saltatu eta joan eduki nagusira

English Days!

Last week we celebrate the English Days at school. 

We decorated the walls, windows and doors with traditional British things: Union flags, underground stations, monuments, famous places... On Tuesday we went to the theatre and we watched Sinbad´s story. We also made a map with the "English spoken countries around the world". 

Finally, some students from DBH 1 came to our class and tell us some interesting and entertaining stories. 

We had a very great time!

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TXANGOA : Nestlé eta Legutio Ikasturtearen amaiera ia-ia heldu da eta aurten ere txango polit bat egin dugu. Joan den astelehenean Nestlé lantegia ikustera joan ginen, Araian.  Han ikusi genuen izozkiak egitea ez dela honen erraza baina gero jateko bi minutu besterik ez dugula behar konturatu ginen! Gero Legutioko askaldegian egun ederra izan genuen!